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QuintonMcLeod said:
TheBlackNaruto said:
QuintonMcLeod said:

You're a bit confused. I asked what the incentives were. You provided none. The issue isn't about what the previous generation provided. The issue is what is the current gen providing now. I own a PS3 and I'm quite satisified with it. I bought a PS3 because of the sheer number of exclusives it had. The X360 had very very few. GoW and Halo were definitely on my radar, but Sony won me over. Games such as The Last of Us, God of War, Metal Gear Solid 4, Little Big Planet, Uncharted and etc. I have no qualms with playing Sony exclusives. However, the games out for the PS4 now aren't killer games. They aren't the games that blow people away like Uncharted, Halo, or a 3D Mario. I'm not counting indie games, because I own a Wii U which utterly destroys both the PS4 and the Xbox One in regards to indie titles. Hands down.

My point is, the PS4 has nothing that makes it a better buy over the competition aside from being cheaper... Unless you can tell me something I don't already know.

And I said for you personally there are none lol. There is nothing of interest to you right now to make you get a PS4. Hence the reason I also said it would be better to wait until more games come out then make your choice. I thas only been 5 months give it some time lol. I just also stated that others felt that there were games out that interest to them. Which is not wrong. So we are good!

Good. Then you cannot get angry if another person tells you that the PS4 has no games. You have already explained to us that it doesn't. I'm talking about retail exclusive games. The PS4 barely has any, and the ones they have are mediocre based on their scores on Metacritic. If Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze can bare a score higher than every single Sony retail exclusive, then there's a serious problem here.

Actually no I did not explain that it has no games. Because it has PLENTY of games. I explained that is has no games that YOU prefer lol. That is like me saying the XB1 or 3DS or PS3 or 360 has no games because they have none that I prefer. That would be a false statement I don't get angry at people who say such things it just confuses me as to why the would make their opinion into a fact like it is the case for everyone.Kind of like you are doing right now...

And you are using PS4 retail games to fit what you want it to fit. Nothing wrong with that either, others see the "retail" games they have to offer plus the PSN titles that they have to offer and see "games" that they want to play. DKC:TF has also socred 2 freaking points higher than Infamous: SS not a big deal and also it scored higher than EVERY XB1 exclusive bar TF so does that mean it is a serious problem there as well? of course not. Also you are talking as if DKC:TF is a bad game when it is in fact a very good game.Or are games int eh 80s all mediocre? That is on you I guess and your personal thoughts. Wii U has all these high rated games you have mentioned and exclusive content but is getting the snot kicked out of it in sales(already passed by the PS4 and soon to be passed by the XB1) by two consoles with less games and less than 6 months on the market. So I guess all those "exclusive" games and high metas don't matter since it is not selling. Point being consumers don't look at the "retail" meta games they look at the games they want to play period. So again I hope it gets through this time for you personally there is nothing worth your time on the PS4 right now and there is nothing wrong with that. Heck others agree with you on that...then there are those who see the games they WANT to play on the PS4 and chose to get it...and there is also nothing wrong with that.

Also name me ONE freaking system that had many high quality(meta as you keep using) games in the first 5 freaking months? To have the games that they have THIS soon is amazing for the PS4/XB1. But you know what this conversation is now pointless not sure what you want to hear or see but I will leave you to it and your opinion and I will stick with mine so no big deal I guess lol.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23