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KylieDog said:
DemoniOtaku said:

You can Lend your account and then lend ALL your games. And without much restrictions as the Steam family Share... on PS3 and PS4 results great, on vita not so much, because the Uni-Aount issue, but still... like one of us here mentioned sometime ago, if you  buy a second Vita for a relative (son, brother, etc) You can log the account.. up to 3 vitas!! Rigth now a friend is playing some games from my account...

You can allways do a Backup of the data and burn it if You want, then you'll have Your physical medium. Rigth now I have all my  Vita, PSP and PSX games on a Hard disk I could burn it all on a couple of BD easily...

Meanwhile is profitable... they will last for ever. Well, but in this You have a point.. there are some cases that could affect You, by example expiring licenses.. like Marvel's for CRAPcom last year, they retired ALL DLC (thanks god I rarely buy any DLC) or Konami retiring without notice Skull girls game which they published.. the developer already uloaded a bettter version of the game. But these cases are more probable than LIVE or PSN dying... and in case these service go bankruptcy... probably some other company will buy them. But is a very remote possibility.. Like I said if is profitable, they will remain.

Giving account details to another person is just stupid, and even if you do trust them that sort of trust does not extend to all friends, while lending a game to any friends is very easy.

I didn't say if PSN or Live die, those wil be kept for whatever is the current gen console, but look at the original Xbox, for several years now they shutdown support for it, no downloading patches etc, you got what is on the disc and that is it.  The PS3 and 360 will be supported for several years I'm sure but will come a point where Sony and MS say "We're shutting down PSN support for PS3/360" and goodbye any games you haven't downloaded, and goodbye if the system for the games you did download on breaks.

Meanwhile I can still play my SNES, PS1, Dreamcast, PS2, GC etc games because they're all physical.  Can even skip the hardware and play them via emulator if I want, still using the disc so no piracy involved.

I have activated the PS3 of my nephews as my second PS3. Logged in with my account, activated the PS3 for that account, logged off. They play with their own accounts, but can switch to my account to download PS3 games I bought or  PS+ games of my IGC. They don't know and don't need my password to download the already activated games in my account. They can't change the password or buy any stuff, because they would have to enter my password for these actions.

All my Vita-stuff is backed up on my PC:

Every month it gets updated after downloading the new PS+ games. Additionally I copy the whole folder on my NAS and an external HDD every half year. So even if Sony removes games from their download selection, I can install them from the backups again, no need to redownload them.

Installed PS3 games can be saved to external HDDs, too. How do you backup your retail-playstation games? Perhaps the discs get scratched or stolen or you lose your Vita-modules when you travel with them.