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badgenome said:
TheBlackNaruto said:

THen yes that makes sense...but I would atleast wait until maybe E3 before making that judgement. They might FINALLY be keeping everything hush about games they have going on instead of making all leaks like before. Time will tell though.

Sure, they're certainly rumored to have a lot of great stuff to show. Hopefully some of that materializes because expectations are going to be high. In the meantime people are bound to get antsy when all they're getting is silence from Sony and story after story about layoffs or people leaving (Hennig, Tretton, etc). For now the PS4 does have a less than inspiring line up so far, although to be fair I think people have forgotten how typical that is for a console in its first year and so don't appreciate how good it actually is by historical standards.

Yeah the people leaving would make people antsy so that indeed does make a lot of sense. I guess I know not to jump the gun and wait things out before making a decision. And that last point THANK YOU!!! I thought I was the only one who realized this. For the consoles to have only been out a good 5 months they have some VERY good games already! No launch has ever been this good within the first 5-6 months. That's why I don't get the "games" complaint people are is crazy lol.

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23