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I don't think too many people would buy such a console. The Wii U has a problem with it's very design. It's a classic console competing directly against not obly PS4 and X1 but also PS3 and 360. For the Next-Gen (or Current-Gen, whatever you prefer) they lack powet and the price isn't low enough to make up for that. For PS3 and 360 they lavk games as those consoles have a massive library and many games are available dirt cheap. Removing the Gamepad would basically kill off the last selling point of the console.

It's a little sad but I fear there is no "saving" Wii U in terms of getting it to numbers of the competition. The best thing Nintendo can do now is to just squeeze as much money out of the console as they can. And you don't do that with a price cut. Finish off the games that are still in the pipeline, but don't invest too much in anything beyond that. Instead, bring a new console in 2016 with something unique. X86 and more powah might help, but I doubt 3rd parties will flock to Ninty, mo matter what they do. So I say bring something people can get only at Nintendo. Something epic I can't think of right now paired with great games to exploit such a device or service or... Whatever the heck it will be

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.