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RolStoppable said:
Fusioncode said:

You act as if brand loyalty is impossible to overcome. Look how many people jumped ship from SNES to PS1, or PS2 to 360. RE4 on Gamecube was sabotaged by Capcom announcing a PS2 version before the game was even released. Most Playstation fans decided to just wait instead of buying a Gamecube. Who knows how well it would have done if it stayed an exclusive. 

I am not refering to brand loyalty, but rather something along the lines of image loyalty, for lack of a better term. "No self-respecting 20-something would play a Nintendo system.", that kind of thinking. It got intensified over the last years, nowadays pretty much all gaming media writes as if Nintendo doesn't exist. The narrative that is pushed is that gamers have to decide between PlayStation and Xbox.

If Nintendo were to make the new IPs you suggested, you also need to think about how Nintendo can break out of this cycle of unfavorable (non)coverage. It seems that you assume that Nintendo just has to make the games and that will solve all problems. But what are another three or four Bayonetta 2s and Xes really going to do? They will make it an easier decision for you personally to buy a Wii U, but that's about it.

Fixing their image is a whole other issue. But I think making more games too appeal to different crowds is a good first step. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!