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RolStoppable said:
In case you haven't realized it yet (and it looks like you haven't), becoming like the competition is what got Nintendo into trouble in the first place. So "cloning" Forza, Uncharted etc. won't do any good.

It's really mindboggling to see this time and time again:

Nintendo's problem: The Wii U is too much like Sony and Microsoft consoles.
The solution: Nintendo has to become more like Sony and Microsoft.

I appreciate the condescending attitude but that's not what I meant. Look at Titanfall, it appeals to the Call of Duty crowd but it does enough things differently to stand on it's own, hell, it's even brought FPS fans back into the genre. Similar enought to appeal to the same crowd, but different enough to be unique. What about World of Warcraft, it was similar to Everquest, but it became it's own thing and was hugely successful as a result. I'm not saying Nintendo should copy Uncharted and Call of Duty, the should use them as inspiration. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!