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I'm in, but really people have been waiting for VR to arrive in gaming for 20 years if not more. I remember seeing Sega's VR helmet for the Genesis (lol) in EGM during the 90s and all the pre-hype about the Virtual Boy (before we know it was a single color underwhelming design that wouldn't be support by Nintendo).

I still remember thinking even though Virtual Boy flopped, that that idea itself wasn't a bad one, the technology was just way too crude at that time, it was an idea 20 years ahead of its time. The system could only display one color and couldn't properly display 3D polygons.

Really to be honest if Nintendo had waited on technology and released the Virtual Boy 5-6 years later with full color graphics and say Dreamcast level 3D graphics, it probably would've sold fairly well (my bet is probably better than the GameCube).