Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
I counter this point by saying that Sony had absolutly no choice. Sony went into the PS3 gen with a whole lot of confidence. They started to eat and continued to eat a whole lot of humble pie during that generation. Lost billions which made it even worst since the company other products were not selling as well.
On your last point about Yoshida making tweets and videos against their competitor and the competitor does nothing about it, you should ask yourself why. Go back in time and look at other companies that did the same thing. Case in point would be Pepsi vs Coke. Notice that Coke never made any commercial about Pepsi but thats all Pepsi did was make comercials about Coke.
The reason is because its a position of weakness. When you are spending time trying to bring down your competitior instead of bringing up your own product, you show a weakness in your commitment to the value of your product. When a competitor is on top, they do not waste money promoting their competitor. Instead they will spend that mony to promote their products further. to mention your competitor is to show weakness in the market thus giving them cred.