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I absolutely love this game. It had something new to me like the very first Tomb Raider.
To start, nothing in my opinion beats the first Tomb Raider, it was a ground-breaking experience and technically absolutely amazing on the consoles way back then. The atmosphere, the difficulty, the story, everything sucked me in in the 90's. It was extremely hard due to the controls but it was extremely fun.
Now the reboot... It is really something new. Very good controls, very good graphics on 360, solid framerate, nice story they hooked up (looked up on the internet for more details)... The feeling of "I am in this game" was very good and the difficulty was very good balanced, in my opinion. Perhaps by times a little bit too cinematic (btw, I think TR1 started with these elements, IIRC ).
Sadly, the "boss"-fight was way too easy and too short... I am looking forward to a sequel on next-gen hardware!