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DevilRising said:
Curiously enough, the FF game I consider most underrated is the one that you didn't bother to include (it would seem) on your poll: FF1.

While hard as piss at times, and an archaich grind-fest with an antiquated "buy your spells" system, nonetheless it is still a great, classic game, and ton of fun. Great soundtrack, great graphics for it's time, innovative and trend-setting for it's time (even though DQ1 did kinda set the tone). I would say FF1 is often the forgotten entry amidst a lot of the more popular ones.

After that? I'd say FFV, simply because Square was dumb and didn't give it to us on SNES, which it should have. It would have been worth waiting a bit to get FFVI in NA, because FFV is in all blunt honestly, ALMOST as good as IV and VI. I would personally put them in this order: IV, VI, then V. But that doesn't stop V from being a great game, which in it's own way has just about as memorable of characters, catchy music, a cool story, etc.

So yeah, those are my votes

I decided not to add FF1 since it's still pretty popular with people from the NES/SNES era. I think as those gen of gamers age and the newer gen takes over, that FF1 may eventually become "underrated". As for now it is talked about decently often