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BeElite said:
outlawauron said:
BeElite said:
Devil_Survivor said:
You can say the same about the West, they doesn't get Japan either. Look at Microsoft for example with Xbox, the OG and 360 sold next to nothing there and MS might not even release the One in Japan. Like the other here saying developers should just be themselves and make the games they want to make not worry about having to make the game appeal to average dude bro who plays COD, see RE6 for what I mean when a Japanese developer sells out their creative vision.

No not really, japan is just very anti things not japanese.  car electronics what ever.

It's still funny that people actually believe this.

Its funny people deny facts.  Japan is japan centric, probbaly them most for any advanced modern free nation with high wealth and eductaion.  Sure ther are plenty worse but most of those are ruled by religious wack jobs. 

Yes, but they're aren't anti-consumer towards non-Japanese companies. There are several huge western companies they have strong holds on their market in Japan (McDonalds, KFC, Apple, etc.), and that's because they do a much better job of catering to that market. Something that MS half-assed with the 360 at the beginning of last gen and gave up by year 3 or so.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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