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Ok, lets pretend you can only rate threads and you have to give a comment.

Why the comment doesn't work

Who do you think is going to track that?  I know the mods won't want to look through every thread rated by every person to make sure it's legitimate.  And if anyone can see, they can just I don't like the thread because I hate Sony or whatever.  I imagine as long as it isn't something like lolnintendo the comment would fly fine. 

You can't blame someone for not liking a thread.


Alright, so now lets look at some threads that might pop up and get rated.

The I love my PS3 and whatever game! type of thread.

Lets pretend this is a well written thread and actually a bad read.  How many threads like that have you seen go totally off topic into a console war thread?  Do you think everyone would rate that well written thread up because it was well written or do you think Sony fans would rate it up because it's Sony and MS and Nintendo fans would rate it down because it's not their console?

You've been here long enough to know what would happen there.  Just look at the game ratings on this website to know that people troll things for absolutely no reason other than it's not the console of their choice.

The I love my Wii and Wii game thread!

Same as before except this one would probably end up positive.  More and more threads would end up this way and then we would start getting OMG Why are Wii threads rated so high and Sony ones aren't!?!?!?!? threads.  Once again, problem.

The I'm making a thread about a popular game thread.

 We've seen this with every popular game, most recently SSBB.  When it's released there are a lot of threads and they dominate everything.  Mixed in there are good threads but that doesn't matter because people will rate it down because they just don't want to see those threads anymore.


So once again, rating systems don't work.