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Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

The thing with the resolution war is that the X1 costs $100 more than the ps4 but its under-performing in the same games, so the resolution and frame rates are important cause people that buy the X1 are paying $100 more and it is not being justified... Other than that, yea its pretty useless overall

And that's just stupid, because you're not playing pixels, you're playing games. The value of the system is created by the quality (and quantity, and cost, etc) of the games, and not by the number of pixels that the system pushes or the number of unique pixels generated by the games.

Number of pixels should be a consideration, sure. All other things being equal, a game being output with higher resolution is better. But the PS4 and XBO do not have identical libraries, and do not share identical feature-sets. There are benefits to each system, and drawbacks to each system. The so-called "resolution wars" are because people insist that raw computational capability is the be-all and end-all of what makes a system great - and THAT is the problem.