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What do you see happening when Putin does retire?
Medvedev seemed fine enough, but doesn't really have the same popularity.
Of course, Putin's popularity is massive by Western standards, 60%+ for a serving President is crazy good.
Shoigu is supposedly a well-liked public figure, but does he really have political leadership in his bones?

What is the latest food trends in Russia? How is vegetarianism/veganism there?
Veganism particularly seems more of a US/UK/Germanic type thing, how does Russia fit?
I would say that Thai is the new mass popularity food in the US, with Mexican-American food already huge.
Are microbrews/smallscale craft beer common in Russia, or St Petersburg where you live?

What part of Russia would you most like to visit that you haven't seen yet?
What part would be most appealing to live in, if not St Petersburg?