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Well, actually, I certainly think the PS2 counts and is nice for Sony, what I think is bullshit is referring to the "Sony Brand"

It's like if the Wii were selling 1 console a month, and the DS was selling 500,000, and you said "Nintendo is dominating monthly sales" inferring that the Wii wasn't selling like total garbage and the future didn't look grim for the company, because their biggest seller, the DS, was nearing the end of it lifespan.

It's also a little insulting to say, "are you surprised" in your topic, which, imo is like telling me, "Surprise bitch! Everything you throught is wrong. Nintendo isn't winning anything, Sony is dominating just like always and here is a proponderance of bullshit "proof" filled with cherrypicking lies that no one can retort and that I'll defend to the death."

Bullshit, imo, nothing against you(TC) trying to convince us that cherrypicked facts you came up with are true, its trying to convince us to look at them without putting them in their proper context that is a tad insulting.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.