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Krill said:
FlamingWeazel said:
Krill said:

From my experience of the beta, and the reviews that I have read so far, it has already delivered on the hype that was built around the game at E3.  Plus we already know they will be releasing updates to improve the game after release.

I wish it was out on PS4 as well.  It wouldn't bother me in the slightest if someone who had chosen a different platform got to play the game as well.  I'm sure there wouldn't be a fraction of the criticism being directed at the game from people owning PS4's if that was the case.

It has not come close to the hype, its a good game, but it really isn;t anything new and for a MP game only is lacking in modes, or anything to really distinguish it from the plethora of other MP games. HEck some games that have SP has as big if not more robust MP. PS I played the beta on origin. It's not going to have near the impact MS wanted.

Obviously we have very different views about the game, so this is one where we can agree to disagree.

Maybe XBox fans favour and see more value in mp whilst Sony fans favour sp.  The problem with that for Sony is once the single player gets finished, the game will probably get traded and that will be one sale less for the developer.  I like most single player parts of a game, but it's only to hone my skills for the mp where I spend 90%+ of my time with the game.  

So why wereCOD's the top-selling games on PS3?