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While I don't think it will suddenly turn into a hardcore console exclusively, I do expect more 3rd party support, just not as much and to the same quality as the other consoles.

Titles will definitely sell in numbers due to the large user base, it's just the way it started its life that is the problem.

It started with the casuals and the 3rd parties dismissing it before it was launched and this culimnated to the situation we have now.

The problem will be if the casuals suddenly get an alternative choice in the other consoles. This will eat into the sales of the Wii who are predominantly casual

PSN ID: T_Gears

End of 2009 ltd sales:

Wii = 67-68m

X360 = 38-39m

PS3 = 34-35m

Prediction: The PS3 will surpass the 360 on weekly sales after it drops to $299 on all regular weeks (no big releases).