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ICStats said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Vasto said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

I'm sure you believe so. Consumers are up for grabs based on price, games, specs and preparation (especially if what they mainly buy is third party). They both are pandering to the same audience. The 360 was the greatest Xbox ever for sure, but holds no candle to any of Sonys consoles in terms of exclusives. Its exactly why everyone was writing lists about Sony's exclusives and during the game of the year Microsoft rarely ever beat Sony for GOTY because of a lack of exclusives. They were too dependent on the same games. Last gen was Sonys worst gen ever and they still managed to sell over eighty million consoles. No brand can say all. Look at Nintendo and Microsofts worst gens. Sorry. No comparison.


Thats your opinion and everybody has one.

What...that Microsofts best gen was Sonys worst and they were neck-in-neck? Thats not an opinion but rather a matter of fact.

Both of you have valid opinions.  You're right Sony's worst generation is neck-in-neck with MS's best generation, but Sony lost a lot while MS gained a lot.

As a PS fan who got all three systems last gen I will not deny that Xbox 360 was an excellent console.  It had stronger online functionality than PS3 for a long time, and some really great exclusives in it's early years.  It also had a better GPU and a lower price, sound familiar?  MS led in several ways and Sony had to adapt to improve their online, to create PS+, and to support developers to get more out of the hardware, which they did after a while.  MS also stopped getting great exclusives while Sony kept making great exclusives every year.

MS did best in the 1st half, and Sony best in the 2nd half.  Overall, in heavily contested regions, MS won last gen.  Both of them proved a lot, MS made a very popular gamer's console, Sony proved their long term support is unsurpassed.  Both of them also suffered huge disasters like RROD, or losing billions.

But now the numbers reset to 0, and the comparison between X1 & PS4 are completely different between X360 and PS3 were in their time.  MS lost their luck I would say, no 1 year head-start, no lower prices, no better graphics, no better online play features.  Just Kinect 2 which is not a great advantage, and snatching the unborn Titanfall.  Sony's coming with PS Now, and supposedly VR. So far it's clear Sony is set to gain and MS set to lose ground in this gen.

Titanfall launch is a huge popcorn moment  a) It has a huge and long term effect and lets X1 fight on more level footing with PS4. b) It has little long term effect which leaves X1 still dominated by PS4 with nothing else to turn things around for at least 6 months.

Xbox 360 was a better system last generation and nobody can tell me anything different. I own both systems and actually wish I never even bought that PS3.