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Blood_Tears said:
Vasto said:
Nate4Drake said:
Vasto said:
Nate4Drake said:
AZWification said:

Because it's the game that will end Sony's dominance...... Maybe.

Too bad for MS that Sony dominance will continue with Infamous SS and MGS : GZ.    XOne will go down and PS4 up again(compared to their respective average). My opinion.

Titanfall is already destroying Infamous and MGS is on Xbox One.

mmm, MGS : GZ will push PS4 sooo much more compared to XOne, I don't think I have to explain to you why. And Titan is not destroying Infamous.


Infamous: Second Son has over 600,000 pre-orders worldwide



I only deal in facts and not opinions. MGS is on Xbox One so they have the option to play the game if they want to on their console. Its not going to push either console because its just not that type of game. We are on a sales site so I dont need links to blogs. What game is everybody talking about?

You can’t be serious?   So because a game is multiplat it won’t push systems on either?  TF is multiplat with PC and X360 and it’s still going to push X1 consoles. CoD pushes consoles for both, more so on MS the last few years and that’s multi. Also, MGS:GZ will push consoles as well in Japan. Both GZ and PP will push consoles for PS4 there. FFXV and KH3 will also push consoles for PS4 and they’re both multiplat as well. You don’t get to decide what game is a system seller or not because as you said “you deal in facts, not opinions”


Nope, MGS will not push consoles.  Its not in the same league as a game like Titanfall.