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bananaking21 said:
Mad55 said:
bananaking21 said:
Mad55 said:
Game looks great and i don't play pc games. Also the 360 version hasn't been shown and is being done by a different dev as well as launching later.

its launching just 2 weeks later, xb1 version certainly isnt a looker, neither has the frame rate proven to be stable (in the beta). the game its self looks like a avarage PS360 game at max settings on PC (rendered at 1080 though). is it worth speding 500$ just because you cant wait two weeks to see what the 360 version is like, which is most likely a good port too? 

Na I don't want to wait 2 weeks. Im not spending 500 just for titanfall though. Theres forza 5, dead rising, killer instinct and a few multiplats that i have held off on getting because I want to play them on xbox one instead of my 360 or ps3. Titanfall was just the last good reason to get one.  

so you arent really buying the XB1 for titanfall, you are buying it because forza, dead rising, killer instinct and to play superior multiplats compared to last gen. which is kind of the point i am getting to. Titanfall is a game that you want and will be a playing a good version of it on the XB1, but it isnt really the reason (or only reason) you are getting an XB1, actually its just one of the MANY reason. 

Question, would you be getting or have bought an XB1 if titanfall didnt exist? 

Who buys a console for one game and doesn't consider what else is on the system? I do want to play titanfall more than all the games I have mentioned though.