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sales2099 said:
eFKac said:
RG3Hunna said:
As a sony fan this is depressing :( ..... Hopefully the new ceo doesn't destroy the momentum Sony currently has with the PS4.

Ohh come on, he had one good E3, where he only had to deliver the news, otherwise he did a lot of shitty PR job, not to mention how terrible PS3 performed in the US.

Plus he was the least likeable higher up from SCE, arogant, corporate suit. Someone I would perfectly envision in MS, Apple, or the like, not SCE.

Show a little more respect for your own general.....

He was the sheppard to the sheep, the jewel in the crown of Kaz, someone who made an entire E3 crowd cheer with thunderous applause for the slightest uplifting comment.

Not to mention guys like me never got why he was so beloved by you guys. Now you cast him out like a leper. Shame on you.

Sales you need to finally understand that you don't really know the Playstation fans all that well. I have no idea who are the "we Sony fans" you are talking about, cause I always felt that our beloved ones were Kaz, Shu, and recently Cerny. No one is denying that he had a great E3 2013, cause he pretty much killed the Xbone. 

But the overall consensus was always like I said, the "I'll give you 1200$ if you'll find a PS3", "3DS is a great babysitting tool", etc. it hasn't done Sony any good in the PR department and Sony fans acknowleged that, that's why I don't think many will cry after his departure.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!