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This is precisely why in that thread with DMJ I said we have no idea what they will do with the units until they do it. I speculated that they would use them for the SSBBB launch because they've done it for other large launches as well not because that was the only place they could logically use them.

The only thing to do with these sorts of discrepancies is to wait it out and see what happens. I've learned from the past never to start making a bunch of assumptions based on the first numbers posted on the front page. If BCNR34 wants to dance around and laugh as the wii sells 120k units in NA and act like it is a horrible week then I'm more than happy to stand off to the side and be amused by it.

The simple fact is that if there is an issue with the Wii supply chain, or if the production numbers are wrong it will only take a few more weeks for it to become obvious. In the mean time this number is lower than what many here expected but that doesn't mean it proves anything except that we were wrong about how much they would ship for brawl.

To Each Man, Responsibility