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Most has been said already, but here's my $0.02.

Metroid was released September 2007. There's no way Retro will have a title ready for this year.

Zelda won't be released this year. TP took about 3.5 years to make, plus TP keeps on selling well.

Fatal Frame IV will be released in August in Japan, so that will probably the early November Nintendo title in the West.

Disaster: Day of Crisis will probably release in September WW, just like Metroid. More mature title after the summer.

Animal Crossing + HDD will be one of the Xmas titles.

I think Kid Icarus can become a very big title if they make it good. Metroid Prime brought the series back from the dead and is one of the best reviewed games ever. If they do the same for Kid Icarus it could be the big mature Xmas title.

A good Pokemon RPG or MMORPG would be the biggest selling console game of the year probably.

My guess:

September D:DoC
Oktober: Fatal Frame IV
November: Animal Crossing & Kid Icarus
December: Pokemon RPG