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To be honest, as a Nintendo fan who grew up with Nintendo consoles starting with the NES, I don't recoginize the Nintendo fanbase much these days.

Where are the Nintendo fans that would buy things like Star Fox and F-Zero and Wave Race and NBA Courtside and Ken Griffey Jr.

Today I see a Wii U userbase of 5+ million active owners, yet putrid attach rates for things like DKC, Pikmin 3, and Wonderful 101 and I just shake my head.

Stop crying about not having Mario Kart and try playing something else for f*ck's sake. And I say that as a fan of the Mario Kart series. 

Third parties don't hold any blame here, Nintendo made an XBox 360, without any userbase behind it at a time when most third parties are transitioning to the next-generation. The best they could hope for was ports to begin with because the hardware has no vision behind it.

If Nintendo can barely sell things like DKC and Pikmin ... in that environment a third party has no chance.