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sales2099 said:
sully1311 said:
Joex2 said:
Sad to ser the PS4 selling. People wait 7 years for the new generation and only want best graphics? Xbox One is a true new generation console: Kinect 2, cloud, voice, best apps, etc...

Just wow.

Don't see how that is "wow" worthy. A differing opinion sure, but you gotta admit he has a point with wanting a new generation to offer something new. Nintendo is doing their thing, Xbox is promoting a upgraded Kinect that integrates your whole entertainment center, and PS4......has better looking games?

Not Sonys fault, they do what the people want. Its gamers that are too closed minded. Hate change, entitlement, etc etc.

He doesn't have a point. Tv in and snap are the only major things XBONE has over PS4 and he didn't even mention them. Kinect 2 is better than the ps4 camera, but they still do the same things. Cloud is on both systems. Heck XBONE's cloud is even on both systems. Voice control is on both systems. Best apps is true but PS4 still has the apps. If he was saying why XBONE was better, then I'd agree with his points.

He's not though.