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shams said:
The casual titles are pretty obvious. The question is - what do 'Nintendo' consider a hardcore title?

Kid Icarus, Golden Sun RPG, some 3rd-party title (FF:CC?), Pikmin? Pokemon MMORPG?

Any game from Nintendo that isn't a minigame collection is a hardcore title, with the exception of Wario-Ware, which is a minigame collection that is a hardcore title.


Your question implies that you think a game like Pikmin or Pilot Wings isn't a "hardcore" game, in which case I would strongly disagree. Animal Crossing, Pikmin, PW, Icarus, Zelda, Mario, Brawl, Troid, Boom Blox, Kirby, these are all hardcore titles, and if they aren't, then I'm a casual, cause I love the hell out of them(dunno bout boomblox but I think I will, from gameplay footage) and don't care as much about Wii Sports(though I do recognize the genious of its design), Buzz, or Scene It.


What titles do you consider casual of those listed in this thread so far, cause if you meant what I think you mean, we're about to have a spirited debate?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.