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Relying on a Game Reviewer, regardless their credentials or experience, is still relying on another person's opinion and will always be subjective. Even determining the value and expertese of any individual developer is a matter of opinion itself. Of all the problems encountered when dealing with Reviewers the most prevalent is pehraps the lack of any garantee that the audience the game is being reviewed for is the audience the game was intended for. Niche games and specialty games seem suffer greatly at the hands of Game Reviewers who have for the last 12 years been geared toward cinematic games largely dependent on graphics or mature content. While Game Reviewers can be a somewhat convenient tool in deciding whether to check out a prospective game before hand, using them as any form of proof of a games value or quality after the fact is just childish and compeletely erroneous.

In the end Game Reviewers just become an easy excuse for someone to force their opinion over your own whether it be the justification of a game that didn't sell that well or the spiteful vindication of a console that isn't doing terribly well.

(lol, both my and Don Wii's post counts are 666)