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J_Allard said:
DerNebel said:

Bolded: That is a bold faced lie. X1 fans cared a ton when the X1 sold more then the PS4 in Decembers NPD.

One of the best things about the adoption of the Internets is you can always go back and look at things people are claiming. For example, you are claiming X1 fans cared a ton in the December NPD, and I am able to actually go back and look and see that, no, not really. The only real thing the people posting in there seemed to care about was that ethomaz was served a buffet of crow for all his shit talking. There are actually a very small amount of posts gloating about the sales number and for the most part they seem to be from relatively unknown posters. Past the deserved hazing and gloating over the poster I mentioned above, the thread was basically a long circular argument about how random agenda driven forum posters know more about MS/Sony sales numbers than the staff on this website or even Sony/MS themselves.

I wish I cared enough to go and check the January thread to see what the gloating level was when PS4 outsold X1, but I really can't be bothered as the official Dec NPD thread was more than enough to disprove your theory. Hope that helped, not gonna waste any more time talking about old NPD's.

That has got to be the biggest joke I've heard in some time now. Even if it was true that MS fans didn't say anything about the December NPD numbers in that thread, which it isn't, then there would still be the other threads were those December numbers were used as an argument.

Seriously do you even realize what you're trying to tell me here? You expect me to believe that the Xbox fans on Vgchartz, a website dedicated to sales, with forum members that are way more interested in sales than people on other websites, do not care about it when the official numbers for their strongest region come out? Do you think I didn't see past NPD threads where the Xbox fans were happily touting the number of months the 360 was on top in the US? And now they suddenly don't care anymore, are you kidding me?

Xbox fans care about sales just as much as they used to, they just don't wanna talk about them since they know their favourite consoles aren't performing well.