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forevercloud3000 said:
Michael-5 said:

Okay, but Dungeons in Zelda or Final Fantasy aren't randomly generated. They are well designed, often requiring new items or skills to proceed, and generally involve puzzle solving. They are also often directly involved with the story, beat a Dungeon and you unlock a key event in the grand scheme. In SMT & Persona games, it's just a maze, and you look for the end. All the walls look identical, and enemies are placed at Random. Also in Persona 3 it's completely arbitrary how far you go. I don't like to repeat floors, so I often found myself going from start to end, and then having to wait a week for the game to catch up.

I hate Dungeon Cralwers because they are randomly generated. Feels less purposeful IMO.

I'm not sure if I like Disgaea. I love SRPG's, I love the gameplay, and the plot is oddly intriguing. However I don't like how you can create generic characters, and I hear Disgaea is really long. I only played Disgaea 1 for about 3 hours, right now I lent my PSP to a friend who's TV broke recently.

I don't mind characters being young in JRPG's and even anime's, but I hate the high school setting. In high school, I got in trouble a lot, but rarely is the protagonist in a high school sim a trouble maker. A perfect example, in Persona 3 you improve your Intelligence (I think) by going to class and studying. Why is there no option to skip class? Why can't I improve my social status by skipping class to hang out with people? Why can't I hit on my best friend? Why can't I be rude and inappropriate? Persona annoyed me because it forced me to do things I wouldn't do in real life. However this is also why I loved Catherine, it gave me proper options.

I just don't like high school sims, I want to be immersed in a complete fantasy. I think the best stories are ones that take over the characters life entirely (Can't go to high school in Fallout 3 because they are all blown up. Can't go to high school in XenoBlade because everyone in town is dead!).

To be perfectly honest, I just don't find these "trendy" games interesting. They feel like something I'd play to blow time. Chrono Trigger was legitimately interesting because of all the time travelling. You didn't go back in time to save the world, you did it to save a girl and later found out that the world will end. Catherine was also nice because the plot was focused on you living, not saving the world. Same goes with XenoBlade (the events causing you to leave Colony 9 were truely shocking). Persona lacks twists IMO.

I'll play anything interesting, but games with randomly generated dungeons (dungeon crawlers) strike me as boring and generic. Which is a shame because the voice acting and art style in Persona 3 & 4 is truely amazing. I feel the same with high school plots, no offense, but I feel they are an escape for people who weren't popular in high school.

Just my style, I like RPG's that shock me. Front Mission 1 shocked me, XenoBlade shocked me, Fallout 3 shocked me, Mass Effect....was just interesting. Either way, something like Gravity Rush doesn't interest me because underneight the colourful art style, I see a very generic game.

Feel free to disagree, everyone has their own preferences in gaming. I just wish they would make more "traditional" JRPG's for the Vita. Had they localized Tales of Innocence R, that would have gone a long way into making Vita look interesting.

Opinions are Opinions and all that but let me just say this in at least Persona 4's defense.....

Dungeons: Thy are not as random as P3's were. Each dungeon is usally about 4-11 floors. Some floors re random, while some will have mid boss levels that remain the same, and the final boss level is always the same. There is a story based reasoning to the random generated floors. All the persona games are philosophical questionings of the human condition. Its a lot about psychology. The Mind is a labirynth of sorts that has many branching paths and is confusing. They are built to be dissorienting on purpose. Each dungeon in P4 also boasts a distinct theme, chosen by the complex of whomever made it. FOr instance the first dungeon you enter is a Castle, this is because Yukiko's Shadow self personifies itself as a Princess locked in the top of a tower, longing to be set free from life's obligations. P4 dungeons also require certain items to access areas, or give you tasks to complete before you proceed. They just built it that you can never fully "breeze" through them, because they are always different.

You can't always cut class, but it is very much so possible in P4G. You even bolster a certain social link for doing so. The game also gives you the option of sneaking out at night to hang with friends, night time job, fish, have implied sex with a night nurse :P 

You also get to punch your best friend in the face.......ironically enough lol, 

Fake EDIT:oh wait, you said "hit on". You can DEFINITELY do that in P4. Male and Female which is super awesome. The protaganists in P4G is so damn suave and cool pretty much everyone is ready to drop  their pants to him, he is quite the character. He can say really sarcastic, quick witted lines when you want him to. He is quite often very inappropriate, especially in sexual situations. Just look up the "Kings Game" scene , or the fact he dresses in a drag show, or the mirriad of inappropriate relationships he has with the adults in town(flirts with a male cop to win a bet, signs girls up for bikini contest, has an implied relationship with a nurse....and some cougar he babysits for etc). And the biggest SPOILER but it really drives the point (he can have a SL with the Villain, even side with him in the end game changing the outcome of the story.)

Yea, but Persona Dungeons still aren't the same for me. Still it's a good game, I can appreciate the quality voice acting, artwork, even the Gameplay. Just not my cup of tea. Implied sex eh? Still not Catherine though Also just a side rank you should be able to get it on that easily, it's a high school sim.

Never said Persona was a bad game. Watched Kings Game, was alright, but when I see stuff like that I just want to call up my friends and play drinking games

BTW what type of game are your cup of tea? What type of game do you think is good, but you just don't like?

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