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forevercloud3000 said:
Michael-5 said:
forevercloud3000 said:

Ok, fair enough..........

but what the hell is a "Hipster RPG"? Because of the trendy artstyle? Or their contrarian popularity?

And if you really like Fire Emblem you should try Valkyria Chronicles 2 on PSP.

I wouldn't say the bulk of Atlus's works are contraian. Hipster isn't the best word, but I'm not a fan of this new era of JRPG's.

It's not the artstyle, but usually the story they tell. I mean I love Catherine and that's probably a lot more bizarre then any of those games we mentioned. I think it's just usually the role of the High School student saving the world which throws me off. I'm 24, I finished high school a long time ago, and when I play games like The World Ends With You I feel like they are targeted towards a younger audience.

What I'm trying to say is that when I play something like XenoBlade or Final Fantasy, it's completely fantasy from the get-go. I hate it when they try to tie ridiculous fantasy's to real world living. I hate the social sim mechanics of Persona, I hated how Indigo Prophecy became some Angel vs. Demon thing with super powers at the end, and If it weren't for some epic fight scenes, I would have hated Matrix 2 & 3.

Take Persona 3, I actually loved the art style, voice acting, and setting. I also loved the idea of a "hidden hour" where all the bad stuff in the game takes place. However what's the point of the game? Get to the top of some Random Tower to see if that stops Monsters from appearing? Not only do I hate Dungeon Crawlers, but once I get to a checkpoint, I then have to wait a week for the High School story to catch up. Was really annoying, I did like the Battle Mechanics of this game.

I don't think of these games as trendy, but because that's the common view that's probably why I labeled it "Hipster." I feel the same about this game as some people would about Vogue fashion. It's not fashion, it's just silly, but sometimes it can look good. That said I still give the games a taste now and then. Danganronpa sounds interesting enough, and Disgaea is border line "trendy."

As for Valkyria Chronicles 2, I loved the first one for PS3, but I felt 2 was just meh. Half the game is just training missions, and it never feels as epic as the first game. Plus the battle zones are too small, but the fact that they made this game work on the PSP without that much loading is impressive. Personally I feel FF Tactics, Tactics Ogre, and Disgaea are better SRPG's for me, I was really surprised at how fun Disgaea is.

Back to Vita though, Disgaea is probably one of the biggest reasons why I want a Vita, but why buy a Vita for Disgaea 3 & 4 when I still have to beat 1 & 2? I hear 1 & 2 are much better and I would have trouble going back once I got used to Vita's graphics. At least PSP is comparable to the 3DS graphically.

WOW..............your taste is awful :P lol jk but seriously, wtf?

So what you are saying hate fantasies based within reality. Yet not any reality apparently but rather a particular time period, present day.

The Dungeon Crawler thing also strikes me as odd because EVERY RPG IS RIDDLED WITH DUNGEONS. They are presented in a mirriad of ways, but they are dungeons. Skyrim had litteral ones, Final Fantasy games disguised them as castles and other locals but they all have the same function wich is to impede you from the next story objective. Persona  is no different, it just so happens that their dungeon exist in parallel dimensions. P4's dungeon is inside of the TV world and each Dungeon is a interpretation of a character's inner conflict.


And you like Disgaea.........when its whole make up is based on tedius dungeon crawling (not that its bad).


AndI'm also 24. I had an ok time in High School I suppose. I still love that feeling of "Edge of Seventeen", when the world is your oyster and you can do or become anything, yet it is still oh so frightening. This is actually a key facet of most JRPGs. Very few deal with characters beyond high school age. Even if they are out of HS, they are usually of the early 20s variety. Cloud was 22, Squall was 17, Zidane is 16, Tidus and Yuna were 16/17, Lightning is maybe 22-24, most of Disgaea's cast members are demons stuck in pre pubescent bodies. Its the feeling above they always try to capture by having such a young cast.

No games capture that feeling better than the Persona's. Social Links are really not that different than the talking to characters during a break we saw in Mass Effect, or the designated scenes you saw in older JRPGs. Its just character development you can control. Most of them try to talk about something "Real" in a sense, something that normal people contend with at times. The Spiderman/Superman/Superhero like balance is also part of the charm. Save the world every night but no one knows what you are going through, they just expect you to still get good grades and be a productive member of society. Its about as realistic as that type of situation would be.

Okay, but Dungeons in Zelda or Final Fantasy aren't randomly generated. They are well designed, often requiring new items or skills to proceed, and generally involve puzzle solving. They are also often directly involved with the story, beat a Dungeon and you unlock a key event in the grand scheme. In SMT & Persona games, it's just a maze, and you look for the end. All the walls look identical, and enemies are placed at Random. Also in Persona 3 it's completely arbitrary how far you go. I don't like to repeat floors, so I often found myself going from start to end, and then having to wait a week for the game to catch up.

I hate Dungeon Cralwers because they are randomly generated. Feels less purposeful IMO.

I'm not sure if I like Disgaea. I love SRPG's, I love the gameplay, and the plot is oddly intriguing. However I don't like how you can create generic characters, and I hear Disgaea is really long. I only played Disgaea 1 for about 3 hours, right now I lent my PSP to a friend who's TV broke recently.

I don't mind characters being young in JRPG's and even anime's, but I hate the high school setting. In high school, I got in trouble a lot, but rarely is the protagonist in a high school sim a trouble maker. A perfect example, in Persona 3 you improve your Intelligence (I think) by going to class and studying. Why is there no option to skip class? Why can't I improve my social status by skipping class to hang out with people? Why can't I hit on my best friend? Why can't I be rude and inappropriate? Persona annoyed me because it forced me to do things I wouldn't do in real life. However this is also why I loved Catherine, it gave me proper options.

I just don't like high school sims, I want to be immersed in a complete fantasy. I think the best stories are ones that take over the characters life entirely (Can't go to high school in Fallout 3 because they are all blown up. Can't go to high school in XenoBlade because everyone in town is dead!).

To be perfectly honest, I just don't find these "trendy" games interesting. They feel like something I'd play to blow time. Chrono Trigger was legitimately interesting because of all the time travelling. You didn't go back in time to save the world, you did it to save a girl and later found out that the world will end. Catherine was also nice because the plot was focused on you living, not saving the world. Same goes with XenoBlade (the events causing you to leave Colony 9 were truely shocking). Persona lacks twists IMO.

I'll play anything interesting, but games with randomly generated dungeons (dungeon crawlers) strike me as boring and generic. Which is a shame because the voice acting and art style in Persona 3 & 4 is truely amazing. I feel the same with high school plots, no offense, but I feel they are an escape for people who weren't popular in high school.

Just my style, I like RPG's that shock me. Front Mission 1 shocked me, XenoBlade shocked me, Fallout 3 shocked me, Mass Effect....was just interesting. Either way, something like Gravity Rush doesn't interest me because underneight the colourful art style, I see a very generic game.

Feel free to disagree, everyone has their own preferences in gaming. I just wish they would make more "traditional" JRPG's for the Vita. Had they localized Tales of Innocence R, that would have gone a long way into making Vita look interesting.

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