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Michael-5 said:

I don't like "Hipster" JRPG's. Like Persona, and The World Ends With You, Gravity Rush doesn't appeal to me. I don't like the artstyle/story and I've seen a lot of gameplay and it doesn't look right for me. I have the game as a PS+ bonus, so when I get a Vita I'll still give it a shot, but I doubt I'll like it. Persona 4 is something I really hate, a Hipster Dungeon Crawler (hate both with a passion).

As for Ys and Soul Sacrifice, I don't like most ARPG's. I've played other Ys games before, and to me they feel more like Action games then RPG's, and I don't like that. Same with Soul Sacrifice, it kinda reminds me of God Eat meets Monster Hunter, both games I've played and disliked. These games aren't the same as Tales of and XenoBlade.

Why buy Digital PSP games on Vita when I already own them physically on PSP? I prefer owning physical copies.

FFX/X-2 Looks great, but it's sub HD on the Vita, and I already beat it.

I know indie games and JRPG's are better on Vita (I do prefer to JRPG on the go), that's why I included Soul Saga and Disgaea on my list. Hotline Miami and other indie games would probably be fun too, but Hotline Miami is fun enough on the PS3, and I already mostly beat HM1 for PS3.

As for the rest, I've taken a good look at Vita's library time and time again. I know most of the games are new IP's, but look at my list. Danganronpa is on my list and it's a super niche new IP (In the West). It's just most of Vita's games don't appeal to me. Soul Sacrifice, Unit 13, Gravity Rush, and even Tearaway look generic to me. (TearAway just has a nice artstyle).


How many games to get me interested in a Vita? I need maybe 2 or 3 "must have" titles in order to convince myself to buy a handheld and put those games ahead of everything else I want to play. Vita only really has Uncharted right now, everything else is a lot lower on my TDL.

3DS got me excited for 2 reasons, the games and my DS was breaking. I was just getting into the Phoenix Wright series for DS, and I still have about 15-20 games which I still want to beat for DS. My old system was freezing whenever I nudged it just a bit too hard and since I almost always play my handhelds outside the house, this wasn't good.

On a game front Fire Emblem: Awakening (Huge Intelligent System fan), Bravely Default, Pokemon X/Y, Super Mario 3D Land, Resident Evil Revelations, Tales of the Abyss (never beat it), and Dragon Quest VII got me interested in the system. Plus I know down the road there will be an Advance Wars game too. That's about 8 games, all of which I consider "must haves" plus the ability to play my DS games on a screen over twice the size.

I bought my DS a little after Advance Wars: Dual Strike released, mostly because like I said I'm a Huge Intelligent Systems fan. So it really was only 2 "must haves" before I bought the system (the other being Super Mario 64 DS), but unlike the Vita, I knew more games were coming. I know Fire Emblem was coming, FFIII, Dragon Quest remakes, all this stuff was announced. I think I bought 40 or so DS games in the end.

PSP I got very late in it's life, was having too much fun with my DS. When I bought my PSP there were about 25 PSP games which I wanted to play. Only beat about 3. Still debating on MGS: Peace Walker.

So with 20 or so good PSP games to beat (Crisis Core, Tactics Ogre, etc), 20 or so good DS games to beat (Phoenix Wrights, Infinite Space, Golden Sun, etc), a handful of 3DS games to beat, and the ability to play GBA/PS1 games on my PSP (I have originals on PS1 & GBA so don't worry), I just have too much to play. My goal is to have all my 3DS games beaten by the end of the year, and start working on my DS/PSP/PS1/GBA backlog.


Why buy a Vita and play Uncharted now, when I can enjoy myself whith what I have now and get a Vita for maybe $100 less in the future? I do want a Vita, I own every Sony/Sega/Nintendo/MS platform, I'm just in no rush to buy it, and I have a feeling a lot of gamers are in the same boat.

Ok, fair enough..........

but what the hell is a "Hipster RPG"? Because of the trendy artstyle? Or their contrarian popularity?

And if you really like Fire Emblem you should try Valkyria Chronicles 2 on PSP.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)