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People just have to compare the costs for Sony and Microsoft and if the costs are also higher for Microsoft. If they think the PS4 price is fair then they also have to think that the Xbox One price is fair if Microsoft has higher costs.  Weaker hardware or not, higher production costs means that the price will be probably also higher at retail. Microsoft will maybe make more money per console as Sony does but probably not more than maybe 20 bucks or so...

Like you already said, if people like Kinect or not but it isn't deniable that it simply costs a lot. This time probably even more since Microsoft had to develop Kinect 2 alone, with Kinect 1 they got something already developed by another company.

Most think that Kinect isn't necessary for them but as long as it is sold with the console I think the price for this package is fair. Well, if we look at what Sony and Microsoft did last gen we could argue that both, PS4 and Xbox One could be cheaper and that these companies could take a bigger loss since they did it last gen but that was probably not really a great idea for them and this time they act more like a "normal" company with the price of their product,