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The Power Glove was made by Mattel, and it had codes you can punch in for control methods for some of the bigger games, like SMB1, Punch-Out!, Rad Racer, and whatnot. However, only TWO games were built from the ground up for the Power Glove.

Super Glove Ball, which is totally fucking amazing and should be remade for the Wii.

Bad Street Brawler, which is the worst game ever made, had nothing to do with the glove, was better off with a gamepad, BUT has the most hilariously horrible plot and graphics and controls. So bad it's good.

Two more games were planned for the Power Glove but got cancelled when it flopped.

It works great for Super Glove Ball, and it gets you laid when you wear it out, but other than that, it sucks for everything else.