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Danman27 said:

I'm asking you for an example where the single player turned crappy when they introduced Multiplayer. You clearly can't read because that's what I've been asking for probably the past three replies. And none of your arguments point out why the two can't co-exist. If you don't want to play MP, great, I really don't care. But I don't see why people have to be dicks about it. While playing uncharted 2, did the knowledge that multiplayer exists make the game any less amazing to you? 

And yes, you've provided why people might express happiness. Is there a possibility that those concerns could be valid? yes. But they aren't because there is nothing suggesting that those concerns are legitamate. I could be concerned that the Russian government is spying on me right now, but I have no reason to believe that's true. 

I didn't give you an example because your question was irrelevant in the scope of the discussion. I never said a game became crappy because of MP, you just asked straight out of the blue for examples of games turned out crappy due to MP. I didn't answer your question because I thought you missed my point and that it needed clarification because, like I said, your question was (and still is) irrelevant in the scope of the discussion. It's not all black and white, you know, not all effects are either godlike or horrible. And this is the reason I'm still not going to answer your question. In case you were still wondering, I doubt such an example exists because you are going to extremes here.

As for your Uncharted 2 question, it did not. However, I never got the feeling that including a MP mode was a necessary or even a good idea. I tried it out a couple of times, got sick of the lag, and never felt ND had any original or interesting ideas for MP aside from co-op, and even that wasn't an original idea.

And as for the legitimacy of my claims, I must point out that creating MP always requires resources that could be used elsewhere. MP doesn't just make itself, it needs to be made with resources.