Teflon02 said: https://support.us.playstation.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5041/~/enable-automatic-download-of-ps4-sen-content Can't help any further. But I'd say just incase, even if you know you made these settings like this. Follow this and chack again or uncheck everything, then turn off your system then check it all back off and turn off your system and turn back on. should be fine then (PS the + means obviously PS+ services only lol) |
Thanks for looking into it so much. I have all the settings checked off and an active PS+ subsription, so I may head over to the official support forums to see whats up. Thanks again for the replies.
Platinums: Red Dead Redemption, Killzone 2, LittleBigPlanet, Terminator Salvation, Uncharted 1, inFamous Second Son, Rocket League