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TheSting said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
The fact that the Xbone is already struggling is really bad news. If it can't run this at 1080, then hope every enjoys their poor graphics.

Poor graphics????? Lol this dude actually believes this. Game isnt 1080 its shit. We should all give up now. Raise the white flag. Forget having a good time. Unless the game is in 1080p you wont. The mindset tho

Ha, well now we know you play on a small tv which has a crappy picture.

I've been playing at 1080p now for 4 years and it makes a huge difference. Seeing that the xbone can't compensate by then cranking up the AA on it, you are going to get very poor images. Also as games are now looking to go beyond 1080 and need to for larger tvs eg 46 inch +, the xbone is going to become dated pretty quickly.



FinalFantasyXIII said:
TheSting said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
The fact that the Xbone is already struggling is really bad news. If it can't run this at 1080, then hope every enjoys their poor graphics.

Poor graphics????? Lol this dude actually believes this. Game isnt 1080 its shit. We should all give up now. Raise the white flag. Forget having a good time. Unless the game is in 1080p you wont. The mindset tho

But oh NOoooooOOOoOoooOooooooooooo!!!!! Only 720p or 900p!!!! Time to quit gaming!!!!

Uh no.

It is funny considerig from Atar/NES/Genesis/SNES/PS1 people didn't even question resolution. They were playing on 240i for decades having fun. I think there's a lot of sad people in the world that are mad at other things in their lives, but can't deal with them in a positive way so they come on game forums sites and take out their real life problems and constantly complain about game resolutions. It makes much more sense than anything else they say imo.

For £450 you can't do what people have been doing for 4 years on a PC? That is you being scammed and not wanting to face up to reality. Thing is, all xbone owners I know irl are all disappointed with their xbone and describe it as a slightly better looking 360. This will become more apparent as consoles need more power to do new features, ergo the xbone won't be able to do anything new.

Pahahaha, you do know why people didn't go on about resolutions? Does that honestly need to be spelt out for you?