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Danman27 said:

So now we're assuming all multiplayer is just tacked on? And just because someone doesn't like MP as much as single player doesn't mean he or she has the right to say "Good" whenever they hear that a game doesn't have multiplayer. I rarely hear multiplayer people say single player is a waste of time. Why is it ok for single player people to say it? I love multiplayer and single player. I don't see why people (especially single player elitists) can't just accept that both are great. 

No, we're not assuming so. You said you don't see why people don't play both SP and MP and I provided some reasons why people might not want to play MP or why people might strongly prefer SP. And yes, people do have the right to say 'good' whenever they hear a game has no MP. Whether it's actually good or not is debatable but they definitely have the right to say so. And I don't know where you've been but I've definitely heard enough dissing of SP here. Call of Duty would probably be a good example of that: "I don't see why anyone would play CoD for SP." And the fact is, 'great' is a very subjective word in this case so you can't just say that both SP and MP are great and expect people to think the same way as you do - they have the right to disagree. Of course similarly everyone has the right to not like SP and say it aloud.