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Tom3k said:
Areym said: basically nintendo games are the only immune games to overhype?

or If it is exclusive, then its overhyped. If it isn't, it's overhyped.

And where exactly did I mention Nintendo or Nintendo games? Or what relevence to topic's Destiny or Titanfall has Nintendo anyway? Considering that neither game will be released on any Nintendo platform...

Well, you basically stated that titanfall is overhyped because it is semi-exclusive to the Xbox consoles and destiny is overhyped because it is not exclusive and it is coming to PS platforms. The conclusion i drew was that to avoid getting overhyped was simply to just release on Wii U (nintendo) because if you are exclusive, you are gonna get overhyped and if your not exclusive, you are gonna be overhyped too...which means by releasing only on Wii U, you are exlucisve, thus will get overhyped but if you release on Wii U and another console, you are not exclusive so you will be overhyped.

...Your avatar is hot.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian