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larrysdirtydrawss said:

First gameplay demos are suppose to showcase the mechanics and leave a good first impression. When TLOU was revealed, they showed Joel and Ellie taking out other people, exploring the area, and having conversations with each other, which is what you do most of the time in the game when not shooting clickers. Watch_Dogs showed Aiden hacking stuff and chasing criminals, which is what presumably what you will do in the game. When Bioshock Infinite was shown, they showed the hook mechanic, Elizabeth opening up portals, and her & Booker having conversations, which is what happens in the game.What did Ready at Dawn showcase?

omg they had conversations,first ever in a video game,what a fugging breakthrough in the world of gaming. then they crouched and hid behind cover,another miracle in the world of gaming.

bioshock had a grappling hook type of instrument and portals opened up to other places,stop the presses,this was never done before

watchdogs has hacking? this miracle cant be true,are other devs hearing about this miracle of hacking?? day 1 purchase for me,,,i also heard rumors that watchdogs will also have crouching and hiding behind cover,and breaking into cars and driving off in them like a naughty man..

what hasn't been done 100 times over yet?? what new miracle in gaming are ppl expecting that doesn't feel gimmicky.. are ppl expecting an entire new genre of gaming never heard/seen before? and if you do get some brand new miracle gameplay mechanic or new entire genre,doesnt mean its actually gonna be good,new just means new,not good. get use to it because the next uncharted is gonna have many similar things that previous uncharted games had,same thing with halo, god of war ect..... quantum break is gonna have pausing of time/telekinesis ect,also been done before many moons ago...... are ppl expecting the order characters mustaches and beards to grow arms of their own with a ak47 attached to it and shoot werewolves dicks off? everything worth doing has been done to death,theres no new revolutionary undiscovered game mechanic(that doesn't feel gimmicky) that's waiting to be brought to life imo... or else just wait a lonnnng lonnng time for it

I do agree that hacking, shooting, crouching, grappling, walking, running, breathing, characters moving, 3D models, different color pixels, and button-pressing-interaction had been done before in gaming, but the way those games I mentioned were able to pull it off is why they're were highly acclaimed by gamers everywhere. The Order just seems to do the basic things