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I spent about 2 or 3 hours on the titanfall beta on the pc.  I'd say that I'd give it a solid 8/10.

I defeinitely had fun with it, but it doesn't reinvent the wheel like some people are expecting it to.  COD with jetpacks is exactly the experience you are getting with this game. The parkour elements are fun, and they make fighting a little bit more dynamic, but once again, I don't feel it's revolutionary. The gameplay is fun, but I don't think this is the next COD4 or Halo where every game follows in its foot steps. I would definitely pick this up over a new COD game though because it at least feels fresh. 
There's the positives, now for the MASSIVE negative... and that would be the AI. The AI in this game are about as itelligent as an orange rolling down a hill. And that's really not an exaggeration either. Like I've seen reviews call a game's AI stupid before, but this puts a new definition to stupid. I question if MS really wants the "cloud" to be associated with this because I would guess this game's AI is running on a CPU powered by a lemon. With the smart pistol, it might as well be free points. I once locked on to 5 grunts at once and was not once shot at. It's common to encounter 3+ grunts at the same and you will kill all of them without one shot be fired at you. And if a shot is fired at you, it will miss. A 5 year old who has never played a game before could probably survive an encounter against several grunts. This is fun at first, but it gets old and annoying after a few games. 

I personally didn't like the mech combat all the much either. I didn't really get that many kills with it, and would usually end up ejecting in 30 seconds. And I know this is just a personal issue, but I feel it needs to be mentioned. I never once won a game the entire time I played it. And it's not like I didn't do well either. I would usually get at least a 1.5 K/D against real players. 

The graphics aren't great, but they're ok. It looks A LOT like COD. Nothing is really that impressive looking though. I'd say the graphics are very average. I was playing highest settings at 60fps and 1080p.