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@STAGE the design of the UI greatly benefits with teh use of kinect. Its easy to navigate with the controller ,, but yo ucan tell that its meant to be navigated using Kinect. i mean look at the ps4,, if it wasn't for MS PR blunder,, the ps4 woul dhave been shipped withe ps eye. Evidence can be seen with controller light can comes out from teh controller. It wsa meant to sync it with teh ps eye and hence why Sony won't add a patch to disbaled it and hence why tehy ditched it and took off taht 100 price tag ot make it a cheaper console to xbox one. SO saying ms is a dishonest company is denial at best as sony would never admit that they orignally planned ot release ps eye alongise their consoel much liek what MS did. Sony has lied ot its consumer as much as MS lol. both in fact are very dishonest . sayign one is better teh other is total BS lol. Back to the topic : Kinect cna be useful to xbox one ,, it jsut need ot eb done properly. Ms just has to realise that you cannot replace the controller but use kinect as additional acessory to the controller . That alone cna make teh game more immersive and better.