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As I've been saying for quite a while and I don't know why most don't understand it. Microsoft is a very dishonest company. They knew that the hype for the Kinect was over so they wanted to profit off of the hardware by force bundling it. They've been bullshitting everyone about the Kinect two since jump street. They lied that it was essential to the Xbox One, then they admitted last year ( a sneaking feeling everyone  who has half a brain knew) that the fact that it is it not essential to the hardware. It is a peripheral device, it is NOT all in one or else it would've already been in the device to begin with they somehow would've needed the integration to somehow make the console work. My theory from the very beginning has been that Microsoft did not believe in the current climate that Kinect could sell on its own so they forced us to consume it, plain and simple. Sony knows the Eyetoy will profit over time if they give people a reason to buy it. This is their third Eyetoy and have been essentially approaching the sales of the device the same way for a decade now.