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Now, no matter how much I enjoy my Vita, I can't tell other people to enjoy it. You need only look at sales in the US and how the sales gap between the two is growing by about 100k a week consistently. For the Vita to turn things around, it needs to close down the rough 35 mil sales gap, or that's outselling the 3DS for every week by the same margin as the 3DS is outselling it now, for a constant 5 years, assuming it starts happening right now.

Even if, by some Miracle, the Vita does live on for several years after the 3DS, it's have to be pulling numbers around 150k a week pretty reliably, around 4-5x what it's doing now in what is normally the "peak year", to even have a chance of catching.

So yeah, I really like my Vita, but I know it's no sales success. Same with the Wii U. Sometimes it's easier to accept these things and just enjoy the games than hope for the impossible.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.