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Cheebee said:
Fusioncode said:
Cheebee said:
Anfebious said:
3DS is on top! But I guess no one really cares right? Fuck handheld consoles.

Pshh, they don't count you know! 'Cos they don't have real games. Or graphics. Well if Vita was outselling 3DS then yes, obviously it would count, but it's not so we're ignoring the handhelds! You should too! PS4 has RAMZ, arrg!

A $100 handheld outselling a $400 console? WOAH. Stop the presses. 

Let's just not go there okay? You'd get destroyed on here, I've seen it happen too many times before.

Let's not go where? Let's not mention the price difference? Let's not mention stock issues? Let's not mention the difference in the gaming library? Let's not mention that the 3DS had a decently big game released in the US and also a pretty big game released in Japan and still only beat the PS4, which is not even available in Japan yet, by a whopping 1200 units (if that is even true, with vgchartz 3DS tracking in the US last month I think it is very fair to assume that this might not be true anyway)? Let's not mention that the 3DS is in its 4th year, a time where a console/handheld is normally at the height of its selling game, and is still down noticeably YoY, while the PS4 is at the beginning of its life and its sales should only grow in the coming years?.... Yeah we really shouldn't go there.