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Somini said:
Seece said:

I didn't say I was worried, I'm asking why are you doing it when you must know your chances of winning are slim given your track record?

You must acknowledge that right? That every prediction you make fails?

lol Seece, you're giving him too much credit. If he had that kind of insight, he wouldn't have continuosly posted stuff that never happens!

On a side note, is VGC back to posting the numbers relatively faster? We´re not that far behind anymore like we´ve since late october :D

Maybe we should cut Zero some slack, since he's back from his ban he seems to be trying to improve his behaviour so I think it's a bit unfair that people keep bagging on him (and I know i've been doing this alot as well). Let him make his prediction and time will tell if he's wrong or not, no need to make fun of him when he's trying to stay respectful.