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Marks said:

What I mean is, will Microsoft release an Xbox One model without Kinect? This would allow them to lower the price to $399 to compete with Playstation 4 and slow down the PS4 momentum. 

How long do they plan to last selling their console at $100 more than PS4? It was just beat by 90,000 last week and PS4 isn't even out in Japan yet, a key market for Sony. I think they would be stupid not to release a Kinect-free model...$100 is enough to be a deciding factor for a lot of people. 


As a gamer with no interest in motion controls/cameras (be it Wiimote, Kinect, or PSeye/PSmove)....I look at it this way...I can buy a PS4 and a game for $520 including Ontario's 13% sales tax......OR.......I can buy an Xbox One and a game for $635 including tax, and have a $100 paperweight called Kinect sitting in a cupboard collecting dust. 


Sorry for this post being all speculation, and not really any content....but I basically say this in every post I make about Xbox I decided I'll just make a thread about it then shut up about it.


Also this isn't a Kinect/X1 troll thread in the slightest, I am a proud 360 owner...and I truly hope MS makes a kinect-free X1 because that's the only way I'd ever buy one. 

If Microsoft releases a Kinectless Xbox One, I will be all over that. I want TitanFall and Halo 5 along with all the 3rd party games because my Wii U isn't cutting it anymore. How could you let this happen Nintendo?