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kowenicki said:
BeElite said:
kowenicki said:
bananaking21 said:
kowenicki said:

out of 100% what do you think the % chance it will happen.

Please dont reply that doesnt matter it hasnt happened?

please just give me a % number.


changing goal posts are we now? my first and only argument is that it didnt happen yet, you are the one who jumped in the conversation. 

Question did it happen? yes or no? 

no. but it will.

people are saying it dodnt happen to somehoe deflect that it will.

I have a question.

How long will Kaz get before he gets sacked.  Nothing he is trying is working so far and his promises arent coming true, not even close.  Net assets halved, cash burning through at an alarming rate....

Not doing very well is he.

He just launched a all time sales record setting console that is destroying the xbox thats by the way backed by unlimited finences of MS that can buy every one if they wish.

Hes taking the divison to profitability even though it just launched new hardware.

Hes getting rid of the trash by sellin PC and spinning of Tv.

Actually hes doing very well given the cluser fuck decades long fuck up that hes inhereted. 

decades long?  thats a curious staement.

hes been lucky with the yen and delayed too long on big decisions.

I dont think most analysts are too impressed.

this sums it up very well.


The same kind of analysts who  thought gaming market is dead.

Dont read too much into this.

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m