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kidvizious said:
Michael-5 said:

Elder Scrolls makes the difference, I forgot about that game.

Still, Nintendo could release Bayonetta 2 as early as September. Is the 3 month wait between DK and MK, and 4 months between MK and Bayonetta 2 that bad?

Super Mario 3d World is the only 9+/10 8th gen game, I think WiiU owners can enjoy the shit out of that for now. I do wish Nintendo made more for the WiiU (it needs it), but the OP makes it seem like Nintendo is going to have a huge drought and PS4/XBO will be floods. None of the 8th gen systems are releasing much before this fall (when hell breaks loose), and all 3 have a major game releasing in spring (Titanfall/InFamous/Mario Kart)

Actually it is that bad for people that beat games in a month and want a new experience while watching the other 2 consoles getting all this love. To me and I'm sure many 4 months is a long drought as is 3 months. Both are long droughts and frankly, Nintendo should be ashamed of themselves for letting the Wii U fall into this dire situation. Xbox One flubbed it at first but Microsoft took action. Sony had it right from the start. Nintendo should have done something to fix things.


Go to Wii U Daily, this Wii U Fanboy site which I go to to get Wii U news quickly. Even the commenters who have been there for a long time championing the Wii U are frankly sick of it. You know that when you have fanboys sick and tired things are bad. I'm a Nintendo fanboy. I am. I love Nintendo. But right now, I'm just so fed up with it and frankly extremely worried about purchasing another Nintendo console at launch. I may have to wait 2 or 3 years for the next one to see how it goes because Nintendo showed me that I can't rely on them for all my gaming needs.

I dunno, Wii had long droughts after 2007.

Nintendo's systems desperately need 3rd party support, without it my opinion is that Nintendo owners need a second system. When I beat everything for Gamecube I bought a PS2, same with N64 and PS1.

You can't rely on Nintendo for all your gaming needs (at least for home consoles, they do handhelds well), I agree. However the WiiU is a much better secondary system then the XBO is to the PS4 and vice versa. Nintendo's exclusives while few and far between, are awesome.

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