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ArtofAngels, I'm not trying to attack you that much. It was just an insult for an insult I suppose, since you're telling me I've been living a big fat lie and don't want to believe it.

I'm a Christian, but I'm keeping those arguments out of here, since you clearly don't want to hear my beliefs on God. I've been running on logic here. I've been thinking for myself ever since I can remember, and I can deduce logically that Zeitgeist is, by and large, conspiracy propaganda, which doesn't really go anywhere. If you think this is a bunch of religious nuts ignoring the facts, it's not. I've checked the facts and have my own thoughts.

I honestly believe that the government did not cause 9/11. I honestly do not believe that Christianity exists solely to take money from the people. I don't know how else to say this, but all you're doing is restricting others' beliefs in the sake of Zeitgeist, because you think you're enlightened and are not wrong.

You're free to believe in everything this movie stated. But I'm telling you, it doesn't have very credible sources, and you really should think twice before eating up everything the movie told you.

Just as a side note: What is the point of Zeitgeist? If, hypothetically, everything in this movie was true, what difference does it make?
That all Christians and all religious people are living a lie? Didn't you believe that before, as an atheist or whatever?
That the government caused 9/11? OK, the gov. is evil, I'm pretty sure plenty can agree on that, but clearly the gov. does not care, they will deny it, and Zeitgeist is clearly not solid enough evidence to bring it down.
That the world is turning totalitarian, that the governments are conspiring against us constantly?

You're free to believe all that, but hell, I don't understand how Zeitgeist is anything new in the world of conspiracies. You say I go in with a Christian bias, I say you go in with a conspiracist bias. 

I don't really feel like arguing about this anymore, it's all pretty pointless.  If Zeitgeist was all true or all false, I'm pretty sure nothing is changed anyway.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )