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chapset said:
mii-gamer said:

Ubisoft estimates that it cost 1.2 million to port over to the wii U. Some estimate that the games only need to sell 50k to break even. Anyhting around 100k they will be making a profit.

Lol that's why they lost money on zombie U when it was at 400k when they did the annoucement, they just put a random number, they never even specified which game they were talking about. DE you really think porting ass creed 3-4 cost the same as Just dance or rayman, please, that article as been quote time and time again and yet games keep getting canceled on the wii U. Even most wii games (non shovelwares)needed more than 100k to break even last gen by what magic does the more powerfull wii U now require less than that to be profitable?

And even if the porting costs are only $1m - $1.5m, they would have to sell a lot more than 50k units to break even. $60 spent at the cash register <> $60 revenue for Ubisoft. If they are lucky, they get $30 - $40 per unit the first weeks and the WiiU prices of 3rd party software fall much faster than of the other versions.

To make a profit of the port, a big part of the WiiU-sales should be additional sales... sales they would have lost without a WiiU version. But many WiiU owners also have other platforms they could/would get the game for... if Ubisoft sales 200k more WiiU versions but 100k less PS3 and 100k less 360-versions from the same customers, they gain nothing of the port.